Globe Drivesaver Installation
Globe Drivesaver Installation

Step 1
With boat in the water, loosen the hardware connecting propeller flange and reverse gear flange so that alignment of engine can be checked using a feeler gauge.
Leave bolts loosely connected during alignment process to support the propeller flange. Align engine installation to .005” maximum by adjusting engine mounts.
After successful alignment, completely disconnect propeller flange from reverse gear flange supporting dead weight of propeller flange.
NOTE: Shaft may have to be cut and the keyway re-machined to compensate for the thickness of the DriveSaver®.
Step 2
Install DriveSaver® to the reverse gear flange by mating the male pilot of the DriveSaver® with the female pilot of the flange.
Rotate DriveSaver® to align socket head bolts with bolt holes of reverse gear flange.
Install socket head bolts. Use a small amount of waterproof grease to lubricate and protect insert threads. Tighten bolts in a “Z” pattern to torque specifications listed below. Install using the lock washer and nuts provided.
NOTE: Some DriveSaver® models may have studs to attach to propeller flange. Install using lock washers and nuts provided, tighten in “Z” pattern to torque specifications listed below.
Step 3
Slide propeller shaft and flange forward to mate with female pilot of the DriveSaver®
Insert hex head bolts with lock washers into threaded inserts of DriveSaver®
Again, use a small amount of waterproof grease to lubricate and protect insert threads. Tighten in a “Z” pattern to adequately support flange. NOTE: You will finish tightening the hex bolts to torque specifications in STEP 4.
NOTE: Use a dial indicator on propeller shaft directly behind flange to determine runout. Tap outside of either the coupling part of the flange or the outside of the DriveSaver® to bring installation as close to .005” TIR as possible.
Step 4
Finish tightening in a “Z” pattern to torque specifications listed below.
Recheck torque and alignment of shaft after 10-to-15 hours of operation.